Black Friday has already brought deals on many laptops, with mid-range laptops dropping in price to budget levels. This includes game-changing 2-in-1 laptops that are steadily gaining a loyal fan base. [For example, the HP Envy 15, a MacBook Pro killer, but without the high price tag of the MacBook Pro, making it affordable for everyone. This Black Friday, Walmart is discounting the Envy 15 with 10th generation Intel Core i5 + Intel UHD Graphics by $240, bringing it down to an even more affordable price of $559.
With a versatile 2-in-1 form factor, plus a touchscreen display, fingerprint reader, and plenty of power, the HP Envy 15 has a good run in Apple's MacBook and Dell's XPS lines, especially at this affordable price. With a 10th generation Intel Core i5 processor, Intel UHD graphics, 8GB of memory, and 256GB of SSD storage, this mid-range machine will be able to handle your daily productivity tasks without burning a hole in your pocket.
Stay tuned to Tom's Guide for Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals on laptops, gaming PCs, computer peripherals, and more.