The Apple Watch SE, the new mid-range model launched at the same time as the Apple Watch Series 6, may have major performance issues. Some users in South Korea have reported that the smartwatch is overheating, causing discomfort and display damage.
According to MacRumors, six Apple Watch SE owners living in South Korea have shared images of what appears to be a burnt-out OLED display. The Reddit thread reveals that both the GPS and GPS with Cellular models in at least two different case colors overheated after several hours of use.
The Reddit thread documents all known complaints about this pesky Apple Watch SE issue. It is unclear if this issue affects other models, but reports seem to be limited to South Korea. One Reddit user noted that the screen damage is happening on the display connector near the Taptic Engine.
There is no convenient place on the Apple Watch's small display to get a yellow scorch mark, but the consistent corner with the mark is exactly where the time is displayed in low power mode.
Fortunately, we have not experienced any sort of irregular heating or display marks on the Apple Watch SE model since the smartwatch launched in September. It is possible that the problem is limited to a few users in South Korea, but until we know more, we urge you to be wary of the Apple Watch SE overheating.